Individual Psychotherapy
Depression can come from different places: it can be something you are born with, as a result of a negative life event(s), or a combination of the two. Regardless of where it came from, it is not your fault and things can get better.
How can depression therapy help?
During depression treatment, it has been found that clients often tend to lack a sense of purpose in their lives or may have had it before but have now lost it. I utilize a depression treatment approach known as Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), a method that was created to specifically treat mental health symptoms such as depression and anxiety. CBT considers how your thoughts, feelings, and actions influence one another and offers to explain how and why false beliefs continue.

Depression therapy will help you:
- Discover the root of your sadness by identifying when and how your sense of joy left. We explore painful past events as well as harmful relationships that may have contributed to the depression. Oftentimes clients are able to identify patterns that tend to repeat themselves throughout their lives.
- Identify ways to get your sleep and diet back on track to begin feeling better immediately.
- Use mindfulness techniques to increase your awareness of your thoughts and feelings and how they might be contributing to and repeating negative thought patterns. These techniques also help you to reconnect with your true nature and get the joy and purpose back in your life.
At the end of your depression treatment, you will be able to identify negative thought patterns and practice your newly learned skills to be able to handle whatever life throws at you well after depression therapy has ended.

Are you overwhelmed by life?
Are you juggling the responsibilities of work, parenting, maintaining relationships and more? Do you frequently feel as though you’re falling short in everything you do? Perhaps your work-life balance is off, but you don’t know how to slow down, reset or begin reevaluating your priorities.
Sometimes anxiety’s hard to identify.
Do you have stomach issues, sweating, trembling, loss of breath, chest pain, sleep issues, eating problems, dizziness or even panic attacks?
It could be the anxiety. To quiet these anxiety symptoms, you may be overindulging in computer use, TV or another temporary distraction that doesn’t ultimately resolve your distress. It’s possible you’ve tried to feel better, but the negative thought cycles return, leaving you feeling like nothing is going to help.
Anxiety therapy can help you thrive
Anxiety treatment can be incredibly effective in helping you identify triggers to distress and learn effective ways to not just manage them, but lessen and even completely overcome them.
Because anxiety is so common, in the healthcare profession, we know a lot about how stress affects the mind and body.
Today, there are a number of different techniques available to treat anxiety.
In therapy, we’ll figure out what’s fueling your anxiety.
From there, we’ll craft strategies you can use to free yourself from the cycles of stress.
Anger Management
Maybe no matter how hard you try, you just can’t seem to control your angry reactions. Maybe someone cut you off in traffic or pushed in front of you in line, and you flew into a rage. You may even look back later and realize that your reaction was out of proportion to the event. Yet, in the moment, you are powerless to stop it. The frequent angry reactions can lead to physical symptoms, such as headaches, digestive issues, high blood pressure, heart disease and other health concerns.
Anger is a normal, healthy emotion
Everyone experiences anger.

Situations that set off angry outbursts also trigger the fight/flight response. This response is designed to help the body respond to the threat your mind perceives. As you experience the fight/flight response, a physiological chain reaction automatically begins in the body. Adrenaline releases, the heart rate increases and blood flow diverts to muscles, along with many other changes that take place to prepare the body to defend itself. However, you may be experiencing this intense physical and emotional reaction when danger is not actually present. The continual arousal you experience from getting angry is not good for your physical or emotional well being.
Anger therapy can help you find a long-term healing and relief.
As a therapist who specializes in treating anger issues, I can help you have healthy responses to upsetting situation, maintain better relationships and improve your overall health. Together, we will find out what is at the root of your anger and heal it there. The therapy I offer is more than anger management. Rather than simply developing tools to manage negative feelings, it provides a way to get to the root cause and to resolve it.

Traumatic experiences can leave an individual with upsetting emotions, nightmares, frightening memories, or a constant sense of danger. Feeling disconnected or numb can also be a side effect of an extremely upsetting experience.
When an individual feels overwhelmed or that his/her life is in danger, the neurological system is overloaded much like the electrical system of a home. When the circuits are overloaded by too much energy, they shut down to protect the system. When the human system is overwhelmed, as in trauma, it also shuts down. This is how humans can protect themselves yet are able to function in horrific circumstances.
Recovering from a trauma takes time and individuals heal at their own speed. Over time, the shock of the event may dissipate as well as nightmares or intruding memories. It is important that the individual or victim of a trauma receive support from friends and family. Individuals who continue to experience symptoms that interfere with their lives should seek professional help.
What is most important in treating trauma is creating a safe environment where the individual can openly share past memories. Individuals may carry shame or embarrassment, so I do not judge but create a warm and trusting alliance.
Learn More About All of Dr. Tobin's Services
Visit Dr. Tobin's Office
15615 Alton Parkway
Suite 450
Irvine, CA 92618
Monday: 8am - 8pm
Tuesday: 8am - 8pm
Wednesday: 8am - 8pm
Thursday: 8am - 8pm
Friday: 8am - 8pm
Saturday: Closed
Sunday: Closed

(949) 338-4388

Schedule Today
Visit Dr. Tobin's Office
15615 Alton Parkway
Suite 450
Irvine, CA 92618
Monday: 8am - 8pm
Tuesday: 8am - 8pm
Wednesday: 8am - 8pm
Thursday: 8am - 8pm
Friday: 8am - 8pm
Saturday: Closed
Sunday: Closed

(949) 338-4388

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