Dr. James Tobin Ph.D. - Psychologist
Dr. Tobin’s digital offerings include the following:
- The RELATIONSHIP UNCONSCIOUS PODCAST features free, brief audio presentations by Dr. Tobin on relationship dynamics among couples, between parents and children, and in the workplace.
- The SEMINAR SERIES provides access to recordings of previous meetings of the Men’s Group Seminar and the Relationship Group Seminar, two ongoing psychoeducational groups facilitated by Dr. Tobin.
- The VIDEO SERIES consists of webinars on the psychology of relationships.
01 - Strategies for Responding to Manipulative and Narcissistic People
The developmental origins of narcissistic and codependent tendencies are explored by Dr. Tobin in this live interactive seminar. Attachment dynamics in the early child-caregiver bond are related to the manipulative tactics employed in adult relationships by persons who are narcissistically vulnerable.
Please download the following document to accommodate this recording. Click Here.
02 - Reenactment
Prior traumatic relational experience is re-experienced and re-enacted in adult romantic relationships. The mind sequesters incomprehensible experience in dissociation; yet what is dissociated remains alive and determines the nature of experience.
Please download the following document to accommodate this recording. Click Here.
03 - "Emplotment" Pathways
Emplotment refers to the philosophical and psychological view that experience is destined, that the mind seeks and/or creates situations that confirm what had always been assumed. In this way, emplotment pathways obstruct “change sequences” that carry with them the potential for assimilation of new ideas.
Please download the following document to accommodate this recording. Click Here.
04 - Locus Poenitentiae
Latin for “a place of repentance or for changing one’s mind,” locus poenitentiae is a term usually applied to contract law but Dr. Tobin uses it as the foundation of a psychological capacity involved in shifting out of states of denial and self-deception. All of us are conditioned by many inputs across our lifespan that unconsciously motivate us to see ourselves and others in distorted and biased ways. If an “untruth” emerges and can be tolerated, personal transformation may ensue.
Please download the following document to accommodate this recording. Click Here.

The Fear of Growing Up
In this video presentation, Dr. Tobin describes the ambivalence of transitioning from adolescence into young adulthood. Both the teen and the parent are influenced by the psychological forces of collusion in which the family system resists change and growth.
Watch Now – The Fear of Growing Up
The Five Phases of a Relationship with a Narcissist
Scientific research indicates the prevalence of narcissistic tendencies is on the rise. The adult narcissist emotionally negotiates romantic relationships in a destructive pattern that is designed not to control or gain power over others, as is commonly thought, but to extract the intolerable value of others. Across five phases, narcissists unconsciously pursue a person of value they seek to destroy.