Orange County Counseling Services
Therapy Offerings for Adolescents and Adults in Irvine, California
Individual, couples, family, and group counseling for a wide array of mental health concerns.

Individual Psychotherapy
Individual psychotherapy for adolescents, young adults, and adults generally occurs on a weekly basis to address various forms of psychological distress and relationship problems. Dr. Tobin’s focus is on the pragmatic resolution of stresses in the context of exploring aspects of one’s personality and character which may contribute to or exacerbate life difficulties and dilemmas. The clinical orientation focuses on exploring the ways in which aspects of one’s developmental history, and the personal adaptations used to cope with difficult life events, may have influenced one’s current predicament, social relationships, psychic conflicts, and overall emotional health. Dr. Tobin’s approach to treatment is influenced by psychoanalytic perspectives, existential psychology, and Buddhist approaches to mental suffering and internal distress.

Couple Therapy
Couple therapy is offered to partners in newly-established relationships as well as those who have been in long-term committed relationships for decades. Dr. Tobin has experience working with heterosexual as well as homosexual couples. His approach views common presenting problems for therapy among couples (e.g., poor communication, gradually evolving emotional distance and alienation, suspected or actual infidelity, diminished sexual intimacy, job/career transitions, and stresses including the birth of a child or the illness/death of a parent or sibling) as representative of inherent vulnerabilities in the dynamics of the relationship that were likely not acknowledged previously.
For Dr. Tobin, the couple is a “system” in which each partner comes to adopt a role necessary for the stability and functioning of the relationship. In the context of life events and stresses, as well as the general growth and evolution of each partner’s identity, theses established roles inevitably need to be re-evaluated and revised. Distressed couples often need guidance and exploratory therapy to instill in their relationship a greater degree of role flexibility and fluidity to alter the culture of the relationship. If the couple is able to achieve this through therapy, each partner will be able to continuously re-define who he or she is in relation to the other. Intimacy will be reborn in the context of effective boundaries that allow each partner to serve as a figure of support and positive influence for the other. The dissolution of restrictive role assignment and dysfunctional boundaries also helps to clarify if, for some couples, the ending of a conflictual and unfulfilling relationship is a warranted option.

In addition to his private practice work, Dr. Tobin conducts lively and moving parenting workshops at Newport Academy and The Center for Discovery, two well-established residential and intensive outpatient programs in Southern California for children and adolescents experiencing a range of behavioral, emotional, and psychiatric problems.
Adolescent, Family and Parenting Issues
Dr. Tobin applies his previous scientific research on parent-teen conflict and attachment bonding to psychotherapy with adolescents and young adults. The clinical approach emphasizes the theoretical position that many child difficulties and conflicts within the family are caused by multiple and mutually-reinforcing factors to which each family member contributes. Depending on the situation, Dr. Tobin may work individually with the adolescent or young adult, or he may choose to work with the family as a whole or with the parents only in a parent guidance format.
Dr. Tobin views the unique problems of adolescence and young adulthood as stemming largely from the ambivalence experienced by the child (and often other family members) concerning the development of the child’s unique identity and psychological autonomy. The challenges of this developmental period are further exacerbated by the current sociocultural landscape in which the forces of technology, the breakdown of the family, the proliferation of illicit drugs, and a narcissistic/ “Me” atmosphere obstruct natural pathways to emotional maturity and separation/individuation from the family of origin. High-risk behaviors, mood dysregulation, depression/anxiety, sexual promiscuity, substance abuse, displays of under-achievement or over-achievement, and conflict/discord with parents are common issues experienced by youths addressed in Dr. Tobin’s practice.

The Men’s Group
This educational group is for men of all ages who would like to explore the challenges of manhood and masculinity. Issues pertaining to career, dating and romantic relationships, fatherhood, health/stress management, divorce, substance abuse, and significant life transitions (e.g., having a child, beginning a new job/career, financial challenges, etc.) are addressed in a supportive environment with the aim of cultivating self-knowledge, sound decision-making, emotionally stability, and interpersonal growth. Didactic presentations are followed by ample time for discussion. This psychoeducational seminar meets the first and third Saturday of each month, 10:15 to 11:30 AM, at the Irvine office location.

The Relationship Group
This educational group is for men and women who would like to explore the challenges faced in romantic relationships. This group is appropriate for singles, divorced persons, married persons, and those who are involved in a significant relationship. Didactic presentations focus on a range of issues including boundaries, attachment, love addiction, love avoidance, co-dependence, narcissistic and borderline character structures, early developmental influences on relationship dynamics, sexual compulsivity, and the application of mindfulness and Buddhist psychology to romantic love. This psychoeducational seminar meets the first and third Saturday of each month, 11:45 AM to 1:00 PM, at the Irvine office location.

Parenting in the 21st Century: An Educational Support Group for Parents
This group is for parents who seek support and education about the challenges they face in parenting their children. It is unfortunate that the work of researchers, theorists and clinicians who have amassed a considerable knowledge base on parenting and family dynamics rarely, if ever, actually reaches parents — precisely the ones who can benefit from this information! Organizing and translating this knowledge into pragmatic, easy-to-understand principles that parents may then apply to actual parenting dilemmas is the driving force for establishing this group. The specific goals of this group are twofold: (1) to serve as a supportive forum for parents to share their struggles about parenting and to hear the challenges other parents are having, and (2) to present key concepts, ideas and approaches to parenting from the scientific research, psychological theory, and pragmatic skill-building approaches. This psychoeducational seminar meets on the last Thursday of each month, 9:00 to 10:30 AM, at the Irvine office location.

Dynamic Psychotherapy Process Group
For those who want a more intensive experience than psychoeducation, a psychotherapy process group may be an appropriate option. This psychotherapeutic experience consists of ongoing group sessions in which individuals come together for relational contact, support and learning. The group is devised to help people identify and understand their “blindspots” which may hinder their interpersonal lives and overall level of contentment. Often, these blindspots are not detectable in individual psychotherapy (neither by the patient nor the therapist) and are seldom made available for reflection in one’s everyday life. The major focus of the group is on the relational dynamics that emerge between group members. These dynamics are “freeze-framed” in the group sessions and closely inspected, a process that will hopefully yield discoveries, insights, and positive change. This group meets every other Wednesday evening, 6:30 to 7:45 PM, at the Irvine office location.

Dr. Tobin provides case consultation and clinical supervision in individual, couple, group and family therapy to clinicians at all levels of professional development. He formerly served as Clinical Instructor at Harvard Medical School and staff psychologist at the Massachusetts General Hospital. In these roles, Dr. Tobin supervised psychiatry residents and psychology interns training at Harvard Medical School sites.
Ready to Schedule Your Appointment?
Visit Dr. Tobin's Office
15615 Alton Parkway
Suite 450
Irvine, CA 92618
Monday: 8am - 8pm
Tuesday: 8am - 8pm
Wednesday: 8am - 8pm
Thursday: 8am - 8pm
Friday: 8am - 8pm
Saturday: Closed
Sunday: Closed

(949) 338-4388

Schedule Today
Visit Dr. Tobin's Office
15615 Alton Parkway
Suite 450
Irvine, CA 92618
Monday: 8am - 8pm
Tuesday: 8am - 8pm
Wednesday: 8am - 8pm
Thursday: 8am - 8pm
Friday: 8am - 8pm
Saturday: Closed
Sunday: Closed

(949) 338-4388

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