Business Hours: Mon - Fri: 8AM - 8PM


Relationship Group Seminar: Gaslighting

Aug 11, 2020 | Events

The term “gaslighting” has proliferated modern culture and is one of the most common forms of emotional manipulation my patients report in their conflict-ridden relationships. Generally used by narcissistically-oriented individuals who seek to control or dominate another person, gaslighting may take a variety of forms and typically becomes a persistent, repetitive dynamic in an ongoing relationship. As the dynamic progresses, the person being gaslighted begins to become confused about, and may even deny, their authentic feelings and convictions — especially those involved with the person who is gaslighting them. As further self-doubt and destabilization arises from the gaslighting process, the one who is gaslighted becomes less confrontational and assertive, and more yielding and complacent.  In the next virtual meeting of the Relationship Group Seminar on Saturday, August 15, 2020 (11:45 AM to 1:00 PM), we will explore gaslighting in more detail, focusing especially on new evidence which suggests that gaslighting is not only a conscious tactic but also an unconsciously-generated behavior. In addition, we will consider how to recognize when you are being gaslighted in romantic relationships and what responses appear to be most successful in bypassing its effects.


* Registration Directions: If you would like to attend the virtual meeting of the Relationship Group Seminar on August 15, 2020, 11:45 AM to 1:00 PM, please RSVP to me at 949-338-4388 or at your earliest convenience. The fee is $25.00 (payable before entering the virtual meeting) and informed consent for participation in this telehealth event must be completed prior to the seminar. Please note that the Relationship Group Seminar is psychoeducational in nature, not therapeutic, and does not constitute psychotherapy or counseling.