Dr. James Tobin Ph.D. - Psychologist
The Men’s Group Seminar
This seminar is for men of all ages who would like to explore the challenges of manhood and masculinity, with the aim of cultivating self-knowledge, sound decision-making, emotionally stability, and interpersonal growth. Issues pertaining to career, relationships, emotions, communication, fatherhood, health/stress management, divorce, and significant life transitions (e.g., having a child, beginning a new job/career, financial challenges, etc.) are addressed in a supportive environment. The work of thought leaders in the fields of psychology, sociology, business/marketing, and other related areas serve as the primary focus of each seminar. Didactic presentations are followed by ample time for discussion. This psychoeducational seminar meets the first and third Saturday of each month, 10:15 to 11:30 AM, at the Irvine office location.
The Relationship Group Seminar
This seminar is for men and women who would like to explore the challenges faced in romantic relationships. It is appropriate for singles, divorced persons, married persons, and those who are or who are not currently in a significant relationship. Didactic presentations focus on the contributions of thought leaders on a range of interpersonal and relational issues including boundaries, attachment, love addiction, love avoidance, co-dependence, narcissistic and borderline personalities, early developmental and family-of-origin influences on current relationship dynamics, sexual compulsivity, and the application of mindfulness and Buddhist psychology to romantic love. This psychoeducational seminar meets the first and third Saturday of each month, 11:45 AM to 1:00 PM, at the Irvine office location.
The Parenting Group Seminar
This seminar is for parents who seek support and education regarding the challenges they face in parenting their children. It is unfortunate that the work of researchers, theorists and clinicians who have amassed a considerable knowledge base on parenting and family dynamics rarely, if ever, actually reaches parents — precisely the ones who could benefit from this information. Organizing and translating this knowledge into pragmatic, easy-to-understand principles that parents may then apply to actual parenting dilemmas is the focus of this seminar. This psychoeducational seminar meets on the last Thursday of each month, 9:00 to 10:30 AM, at the Irvine office location.
Please Note
Descriptions of the topics discussed at previous seminar meetings are available in the practice newsletter. Entry into seminars does not require a long-term commitment, i.e., one is only required to RSVP to attend a seminar session featuring a topic of interest.
Learn More About All of Dr. Tobin's Services
Visit Dr. Tobin's Office
15615 Alton Parkway
Suite 450
Irvine, CA 92618
Monday: 8am - 8pm
Tuesday: 8am - 8pm
Wednesday: 8am - 8pm
Thursday: 8am - 8pm
Friday: 8am - 8pm
Saturday: Closed
Sunday: Closed


(949) 338-4388

Schedule Today
Visit Dr. Tobin's Office
15615 Alton Parkway
Suite 450
Irvine, CA 92618
Monday: 8am - 8pm
Tuesday: 8am - 8pm
Wednesday: 8am - 8pm
Thursday: 8am - 8pm
Friday: 8am - 8pm
Saturday: Closed
Sunday: Closed


(949) 338-4388

Schedule Today