- “Attachment Love” vs. “Erotic Love”
- “Knowing” and “Unknowing” Your Partner: How Couples Therapy Promotes Narrative Deconstruction
- “Old Bridges Breaking”: Factors of Resilience in Couples (Part I)
- 9 Types Of Dysfunctional Relationships
- A New Challenge in Anger Management: The Rise of Narcissistic Rage
- Addressing Problems of Guilt in Psychotherapy: Insights from Donald Carveth’s Psychoanalytic Perspective
- Attachment vs. Relatedness
- Beginning Psychotherapy: The First Session
- Beyond Denial: “Mystification”
- Counteridentification
- Couples in Crisis: How Couple Therapy Mitigates Stubborn Psychological Defenses
- Enactment
- Enhancing Emotional Intimacy in Couples: Connection, Vulnerability, and Communication
- Exploring the Use of Psychodynamic Psychotherapy
- Families in Flux During Lockdown: Coping Dynamics in a Time of Uncertainty
- Fatal Attraction: Unconscious Recruitment and Enactment
- Guilt: An Untapped Resource for Change
- Identity in Motion: What Tectonic Plates Can Teach Us about the Human Condition
- Men’s Group Seminar: John Gottman’s Science of Love and Relationships
- Men’s Group Seminar: Living on Autopilot
- Men’s Group Seminar: The Psychology of Regret
- Negotiating the Conflict of Self-Interest vs. Obligation in Masculine Development
- Parasitic Relationships Provide “Narcissistic Supplies” Lacking in the Narcissist
- Relationship Group Seminar: Moving On: Overcoming Previous Failed Relationships
- Relationship Group Seminar: Gaslighting
- Relationship Group Seminar: The “Traumatic Bond”
- Responding to the Narcissistic Epidemic: How to Help Our Teens Avoid Indoctrination and Live Original Lives
- The “Maternalizing Dynamic” in Romantic Relationships
- The Architecture of a Relationship with a Narcissist in 5 Phases
- The Crucial Role of the Therapeutic Alliance in Individual Psychotherapy
- The Disorder of Accumulated Stress: Anxiety
- The Four Things You Need to Know About Your Narcissistic Boss
- The Illusion of Complexity
- The Loss of Sexual Passion in Couples
- The Men’s Group Seminar: Procrastination
- The Men’s Group Seminar: Dan Ariely on Motivation, Work, and Decision-Making
- The Men’s Group Seminar: Humility
- The Men’s Group Seminar: The “Knowledge Illusion”
- The Men’s Group Seminar – Envy: Causes, Consequences and Ways To Deal with It
- The Men’s Group Seminar: “Dopamine Nation: Finding Balance in the Age of Indulgence”
- The Men’s Group Seminar: “Experiencing” vs. “Remembering”
- The Men’s Group Seminar: “Strangers to Ourselves” — The Work of Tim Wilson
- The Men’s Group Seminar: “Weak Ties,” “Talking to Strangers,” and the Emerging Science of Kindness
- The Men’s Group Seminar: A Promising New Approach to Mental Health Organizes Functioning Into 6 Domains
- The Men’s Group Seminar: Andrew Huberman on “The Science of Small Changes”
- The Men’s Group Seminar: Creative Confidence
- The Men’s Group Seminar: Design Thinking to Design Your Life: The Work of Bill Burnett
- The Men’s Group Seminar: Dynamics of Childhood Re-Emerge in the Workplace
- The Men’s Group Seminar: Equanimity
- The Men’s Group Seminar: Gender Equality: Is There a Gap Between the Political and the Private?
- The Men’s Group Seminar: Grudges
- The Men’s Group Seminar: How Men Express Their Love
- The Men’s Group Seminar: Identify Your Coping Style
- The Men’s Group Seminar: Is Modern Manhood Burdened by Paradox?
- The Men’s Group Seminar: Jordan Peterson: Exploring Samples of His Work
- The Men’s Group Seminar: Men Are Poor at Being Relational – Myth or Fact?
- The Men’s Group Seminar: Nir Eyal on Becoming “Indistractable”
- The Men’s Group Seminar: Oliver Burkeman on the “Fight Against Time”
- The Men’s Group Seminar: On “Toxic Growth” and the Self-Improvement Culture
- The Men’s Group Seminar: Paul Dolan on Success Narratives and Being “Happy Ever After”
- The Men’s Group Seminar: Rethinking Boredom
- The Men’s Group Seminar: Revisiting Cognitive Dissonance
- The Men’s Group Seminar: Revisiting the Placebo Effect: New Science on Mindset, Health, and Healing
- The Men’s Group Seminar: Rick Hanson on the Neuroscience of Stability, Inner Peace and Social Harmony
- The Men’s Group Seminar: Robert Cialdini on Persuasion
- The Men’s Group Seminar: Robert Greene’s “The Laws of Human Nature”
- The Men’s Group Seminar: Russell Kennedy, M.D. on Anxiety
- The Men’s Group Seminar: Self-Awareness: The Research of Organizational Psychologist Tasha Eurich
- The Men’s Group Seminar: Self-Doubt
- The Men’s Group Seminar: The Difference Between Happiness and Fulfillment
- The Men’s Group Seminar: The Happiness Curve
- The Men’s Group Seminar: The Imposter Syndrome
- The Men’s Group Seminar: The Most Insidious Coping Mechanism in Modern Culture: Vertical Splitting
- The Men’s Group Seminar: The Psychology of Complaining
- The Men’s Group Seminar: Understanding Habits
- The Men’s Group Seminar: What Good Listeners Do
- The Men’s Group Seminar: Why Men Lose Motivation (and What to Do About It)
- The Men’s Group Seminar: Why We Are Misunderstood
- The Men’s Group Seminar: Joseph Goldstein
- The Men’s Group Seminar: Rick Hanson on “Self-Directed Neuroplasticity”
- The Men’s Group Seminar: Robert Sapolsky on Stress and Stress-Related Disease
- The Men’s Group Seminar: Self-Talk
- The Neurobiology of Fate
- The Power of Group Dynamics in Therapy
- The Programming of Our Relational Lives
- The Psychodynamic Psychotherapy Group
- The Psychological Aftermath of Unresolved Abuse and Trauma: Vertical Splitting
- The Psychological Capacity of Inflexion
- The Psychology of Regret
- The Psychology of Resilience: Coping Challenges and How Psychotherapy Bolsters Adaptability
- The Psychology of Self-Sabotage: How Psychotherapy Fosters Positive Change
- The Relationship Group Seminar – Unpacking Intimacy
- The Relationship Group Seminar: “Coercive Control”
- The Relationship Group Seminar: “Dynamics” and Their Role in Relationship Destruction
- The Relationship Group Seminar: “Emotional Immaturity” Among Couples
- The Relationship Group Seminar: “Ghosts from the Past”: On Being Triggered and Repeating the Past
- The Relationship Group Seminar: 14 Factors That Determine the Quality and Success of Relationships
- The Relationship Group Seminar: A Critique of the Love Languages
- The Relationship Group Seminar: Communication Styles and Their Impact on Relationships
- The Relationship Group Seminar: Could This Be “the One”? On Becoming Exclusive, Assessing Compatibility, and Maximizing Long-Term Viability
- The Relationship Group Seminar: COVID-19 and Love, Mental Health and Gender Differences
- The Relationship Group Seminar: Craig Malkin on “Rethinking Narcissism”
- The Relationship Group Seminar: Eli Finkel on Marriage
- The Relationship Group Seminar: Emotional Abuse
- The Relationship Group Seminar: Emotional Infidelity
- The Relationship Group Seminar: Enmeshment
- The Relationship Group Seminar: Esther Perel on “Relationships and How They Shape Us”
- The Relationship Group Seminar: Friendship
- The Relationship Group Seminar: Ghosting
- The Relationship Group Seminar: How Many Types of Narcissism Are There, Really?
- The Relationship Group Seminar: Katie Hood on the Distinction between Healthy and Unhealthy Love
- The Relationship Group Seminar: Micromanipulation
- The Relationship Group Seminar: Millennials and Marriage: How a Generation is Redefining Love
- The Relationship Group Seminar: Needs
- The Relationship Group Seminar: New Insights on Narcissism
- The Relationship Group Seminar: Online Dating
- The Relationship Group Seminar: Overt and Covert Forms of Control in Relationships
- The Relationship Group Seminar: Psychological Defenses in Relationships
- The Relationship Group Seminar: Radical Acceptance
- The Relationship Group Seminar: Rethinking the Notion of “Settling”
- The Relationship Group Seminar: Self-Expansion
- The Relationship Group Seminar: Self-Love Deficit Disorder
- The Relationship Group Seminar: Stalking and the Distinction between Harmonious and Obsessive Passion
- The Relationship Group Seminar: Terry Real on “Toxic Individualism”
- The Relationship Group Seminar: The “Almost Relationship”
- The Relationship Group Seminar: The Conundrum
- The Relationship Group Seminar: The Dynamic of Parenting Your Partner
- The Relationship Group Seminar: The Phenomenon of “Excitement” and Its Role in Dysfunctional Relationships
- The Relationship Group Seminar: The Psychology of Control
- The Relationship Group Seminar: The Psychology of Gaslighting
- The Relationship Group Seminar: The Psychology of Passive Aggression
- The Relationship Group Seminar: The Role of Shame in Relationships
- The Relationship Group Seminar: The Single Most Important Dynamic You Must Overcome in Your Relationship: Polarization
- The Relationship Group Seminar: The Splitting Defense Mechanism
- The Relationship Group Seminar: Trauma-Bonding
- The Relationship Group Seminar: Walking on Eggshells
- The Relationship Group Seminar: Were You Raised by a Narcissistic Parent?
- The Relationship Group Seminar: When Our Heart Wants and Our Mind Resists: Why and How We Push People Away
- The Relationship Group Seminar: When You Become Unrecognizable in the Eyes of Your Partner
- The Ripple Effect of Anxiety During the Pandemic
- The Shared Psychological Origin of Narcissistic and Codependent Relational Styles
- The Silent Epidemic of “Self-Estrangement” Among Today’s Adolescents and Young Adults
- The World One Sees and the Seer Who Sees It
- Unconscious Relational Templates in the Film 9/1 Weeks
- Virtual Meetings of Group Seminars on April 18, 2020: The Men’s Group and The Relationship Group
- Virtual Meetings of Group Seminars on April 4, 2020: The Men’s Group and The Relationship Group
- What Is “Interdependence?”
- What is a Sadomasochistic Relationship? Psychology and Dynamics
- What Is Your Attachment Style
- What You Elicit
- Why Couples Therapy Fails
- Why We Pursue the Familiar: Insights from Psychology and Psychoanalysis
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- James Tobin | Psychologist | Therapist | Counseling | Irvine, CA
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couples Archives – James Tobin Ph.D.
anger Archives – James Tobin Ph.D.
The Psychotherapy Process – James Tobin Ph.D.
Thank You – James Tobin Ph.D.
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