Business Hours: Mon - Fri: 8AM - 8PM

Identity and Style

The Men’s Group Seminar: Identify Your Coping Style

Apr 29, 2020 | Events

Perhaps at no other time like the present, our stress management skills are becoming increasingly taxed as the pandemic persists. Coping is a highly personalized competency, one that is established based on an individual’s natural predispositions and preferences, personality style, developmental history, and general resourcefulness. Scientific research has characterized different styles of coping, with each style featuring a set of related strategies designed to manage and overcome stress in distinct ways. Some coping efforts, of course, are more successful than others. In the next virtual meeting of the Men’s Group Seminar on Saturday, May 2, 2020 (10:15 to 11:30 AM), we will discuss coping strategies and their application to the coronavirus. Two online self-assessment tests (one tabulating the degree to which you utilize problem- vs. emotion-focused coping strategies and the other tapping general coping ability) will be discussed; if you are planning on attending the meeting, please take these tests beforehand.


Registration Directions: If you would like to attend the virtual meeting of the Men’s Group Seminar on May 2, 2020, 10:15 to 11:30 AM, please RSVP to me at 949-338-4388 or at your earliest convenience. The fee is $25.00 (payable before entering the virtual meeting) and informed consent for participation in this telehealth event must be completed prior to the seminar. Please note that the Men’s Group Seminar is psychoeducational in nature, not therapeutic, and does not constitute psychotherapy or counseling.