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The Men's Group Seminar Self-Doubt

The Men’s Group Seminar: Self-Doubt

Sep 28, 2020 | Events

Self-doubt is a complex, multifaceted experience that centers around a gnawing uncertainty regarding one’s perceived ability, degree of confidence, and internal satisfaction. Self-doubt comes in many forms. It can be short-term and situationally-based or chronic. It can be related to specific attributes and contexts or function as a more general, wide-ranging negative self-perspective. Experts argue that self-doubt can either be healthy or pathological, i.e., “good” self-doubt is linked to humility and the appropriate questioning of one’s status and abilities, whereas dysfunctional self-doubt leads to paralysis, withdrawal from opportunities, and low self-esteem.  Some researchers focus on the current cultural landscape of social comparison as a reason for why so many people succumb to self-doubt, while others point to unresolved experiences of criticism during childhood and personality tendencies oriented toward perfectionism and control. Boys who are socialized to norms of “toxic masculinity” are believed to be at a greater risk for the development of self-doubt, as common experiences of disappointment, regret, and the acknowledgement of one’s limitations are not touted as appropriate masculine feeling states.  In the next virtual meeting of the Men’s Group Seminar on Saturday, October 3, 2020 (10:15 to 11:30 AM), we will explore these many facets of self-doubt, including how self-doubt is associated with sabotage and imposter syndrome dynamics. Potential ways to overcome self-doubt will also be considered.


* Registration Directions: If you would like to attend the next virtual meeting of the Men’s Group Seminar on Saturday, October 3, 2020 (10:15 to 11:30 AM), please RSVP to me at 949-338-4388 or at your earliest convenience. The fee is $25.00 (payable before entering the virtual meeting) and informed consent for participation in this telehealth event must be completed prior to the seminar.  Please note that the Men’s Group Seminar is psychoeducational in nature, not therapeutic, and does not constitute psychotherapy or counseling.