Business Hours: Mon - Fri: 8AM - 8PM

Narcissistic Parent

The Relationship Group Seminar: Were You Raised by a Narcissistic Parent?

May 11, 2020 | Events

In the next virtual meeting of the Relationship Group Seminar on Saturday, May 16, 2020 (11:45 AM to 1:00 PM), we will return once again to the topic of narcissism. This time, we will consider the impact of being raised by a parent who demonstrated narcissistic qualities and tendencies. If you were a child raised in such circumstances, you are likely contending with the negative consequences of your early development in numerous realms in your adult life.


In these kinds of family systems, the child is negatively impacted by a parent who unconsciously approaches the child as an extension of him- or herself. There is no gradual differentiation, separation, and, ultimately, individuation of the child from the parent as there should be. The narcissistic parent sees in the child only a mirror of him- or herself, not a separate being.


As a result, the child is parented in ways that coerce surrender and deference to the parent; what gets sacrificed is the child’s freedom to discover and embody his or her own authentic identity.


* Registration Directions: If you would like to attend the virtual meeting of the Relationship Group Seminar on May 16, 2020, 11:45 AM to 1:00 PM, please RSVP to me at 949-338-4388 or at your earliest convenience. The fee is $25.00 (payable before entering the virtual meeting) and informed consent for participation in this telehealth event must be completed prior to the seminar. Please note that the Men’s Group Seminar is psychoeducational in nature, not therapeutic, and does not constitute psychotherapy or counseling.